Hello Carola, Ruthie is doing just fine. She is so loving, always wagging her tail and giving us kisses, plus she still does that little nip. Her skin is fine. She weighs about 35 pounds, and is thin and very active. Ruthie is always on the go, she loves our big backyard and hunts for the squirrels. She gets very close to catching them.

Here are some recent photos. Bailey and Ruthie already have their Halloween costumes. Since Terry is a policeofficer, when I was at Target I bought them both police uniforms. She greetss our neighbors and friends and they all noticed the difference in her from the 6 months ago when we got her. We love her very much, my kids say she is spoiled, and I agree, she is.She is right next to me as I write to you. She follows me everywhere.

We had her at our friends house last week to watch football. She was out in their backyard and their neighbor asked me if she was a "SHOW" dog. I said, NO, but I asked why he thought that. His response was, she walks like on. I told him she is "OUR SHOW DOG" The pics are of her favorite spot. She is on the couch that faces the window, and she looks out all the time.